Industrial News

Will stainless steel wire mesh get rusty?

Stainless steel wire mesh also rusts.
Is that true?
Yes, it's hard to believe, but it's true.
There are some reasons:
1. wrong stainless steel type was used in the wrong conditions, for example, AISI304 was used in marine conditions, MAISHI suggests using AISI316 and AISI316L for marine purposes.
2. some small manufacturers and traders sell poor quality stainless steel wire mesh into the market, they don't have the ability to control the quality which they supplied, for example, The main anti-rust ingredient in AISI304 is Nickel and Chromium, standard stainless steel AISI304 has Nickel 8% (+/-0.5%) and Chromium 18% (+/-0.5%), but some small manufacturers and traders supply Nickel 6%, 4% or lower, Chromium 16% or lower to instead of standard stainless steel AISI304.
3. some buyers and dealers do not have knowledge of stainless steel and they don't have the ability to identify the ingredient, they only focus on prices when they buy stainless steel wire mesh, For example, stainless steel wire mesh AISI304 20mesh x 0.5mm is about USD4.5/kgs (USD11.25/m2), but they bought this item with  USD3.6/kgs (USD9/m2).
 How to avoid the rust on stainless steel
1. Use correctly stainless steel mesh types base on the use environment, you can contact us (MAISHI) to get professional suggestions. MAISHI experienced about 30years on stainless steel mesh and it can supply all certificates related to stainless steel mesh.
2. Frequent cleaning and scrubbing of the surface of the stainless steel wire mesh to remove adhesion and eliminate external factors that trigger retouching.

PREVIOUS: What are the applications of stainless steel printing mesh?


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