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How to find out the quality of stainless steel wire mesh scientifically

Stainless steel wire mesh is made of good stainless steel wire for further processing. At present, there are many manufacturers producing stainless steel wire mesh sheets. How can I choose to distinguish between them?

IshiMaishi Group, which has more than 30 years of experience in the production of stainless steel wire mesh sheet, tells us that quality needs attention. The system can be emphasized from the following four aspects.

1, mesh flatness

2, mesh uniformity

3, solder joint firmness

4. Local machining performance

This is the main distinguishing aspect. If you want to guarantee the above points, you need to strictly control the materials. For example, the ovality of stainless steel wire, the thickness of the wire is even

Affects the porosity of the screen. Therefore, a qualified and uniform stainless steel wire is required. After that, the silk screen needs to be flat and the pores must be uniform in size to meet customer needs. Then there are the technical requirements for the solder joints, with even density.

Stable stainless steel wire mesh has a strong structure and strong integrity, and it will not cause slackening even if it is partially cut or subjected to local pressure.

In addition, the resistance of stainless steel wire mesh is the most intuitive concern for customers. Because it is often used in job production, resistance not only affects its service life, but also affects its use.

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