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Product weight of stainless steel wire screen

When buying stainless steel wire screens, many foreign and domestic friends pay attention to the price, but when purchasing stainless steel screens, they must pay attention to the weight of the product. Although the advantages of stainless steel wire mesh are many and the application limitations are very wide, the quality of the time is the most important aspect. Everyone wants to buy a good product with minimum money, but This is unrealistic for stainless steel screens. Why is this? It turns out that the fault of the flat steel thickness of the cheap stainless steel screen is relatively large, which will have an inevitable impact on the carrying capacity. Therefore, price is not the most important one. When choosing a stainless steel screen, you should pay attention to check whether the mesh of the product is even and regular. Under normal circumstances, they are all quadrangular and very flat.

The solder joints of the good quality stainless steel screen are also very strong and the weight is very light, but the bearing capacity is very good. When purchasing stainless steel screens, we must pay attention to the weight of the product, which is the first aspect to check its quality. Many people don't know the high-quality stainless steel screen. *** Take a magnet and use it to attract the stainless steel mesh. If you hold it, you think it is a bad product. If you do n’t, it is a high-quality product. I tell you that this is not wrong. Most of the stainless steel mesh materials are general-purpose stainless steel mesh sheets, which are micro-magnetic or non-magnetic. However, the two wires are mechanically back-and-forth to generate static electricity which causes the stainless steel mesh to have magnetic properties. The reason why the stainless steel screen will be magnetic, the magnetic nature of the stainless steel wire itself adds to the resistance during creation.

Friends who buy will often ask why the stainless steel wire mesh becomes black? If the blackening occurs during use, it is caused by oxidation, that is, the iron element contained in it will quickly turn black when oxidized. Showing signs of rust.

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